Foldables of Forces Shaping the Earth and Layers of Earth!
Forces Shaping the Earth Foladable
The forces which are shaping inside the Earth are volcanic eurptions, earthquakes, and continental shift, and the forces shaping outside the Earth are weathering and erosion. When volcanoes erupts it destroys its surroundings like burning the land, trees, houses etc. When earthquake takes place then it makes faults on the surface of the Earth, trees fall down, buildings fall etc. When the continentes seperate from each other the lands break. When winds
The forces which are shaping inside the Earth are volcanic eurptions, earthquakes, and continental shift, and the forces shaping outside the Earth are weathering and erosion. When volcanoes erupts it destroys its surroundings like burning the land, trees, houses etc. When earthquake takes place then it makes faults on the surface of the Earth, trees fall down, buildings fall etc. When the continentes seperate from each other the lands break. When winds